Our Story: Building Communities One Seed at a Time
The ReGenerative Roots Association strengthens the food and alternative energy systems in New England through the development of community farms, food forests, a food pantry, educational orchards, and farm to school programs!
We are revitalizing the local food system while establishing stronger social ties throughout the Nashua area!
Up until the 1930s & 1940s, strong local food systems were common- over 25% of workers were still employed in agriculture during the Great Depression! Now, few people grow their own food or know a farmer, and the connections we should all have with healthy food have been eroded or lost within mere generations.
Learn more about the ReGen Roots Community Farms, Food Forest Program, ReGen’s Community Corner, and the Nashua/Hudson Farm to School Programs that we have been developing!
The ReGenerative Roots Association is building active community farms, a local food hub, & associated farm-to-school programs at our public schools. These programs help develop strong social connections and community resilience among diverse people through the common foundation of healthy food. Learn more about our efforts to nurture a resilient local food system founded upon community, conservation, and compassion by reading more about our programming!
ReGen Roots Community Farms
On the eight acres we manage at two farm sites, ReGen Roots provides space and resources for refugees, young farmer entrepreneurs, gardeners and students to grow healthy food in a positive environment! Each year, more than 10,000 pounds of healthy food are grown due to these efforts, with the only requirement that 10% of a grower’s harvest must be donated to organizations dealing with food insecurity such as the Nashua Children’s Home and the Nashua Soup Kitchen!
Farm-to-School Programs
ReGen Roots is teaching students about the importance of agriculture, local food systems, and healthy eating through school gardens, hands-on learning experiences, and interactive classroom activities.
ReGen’s Community Corner- Nashua’s First Food Hub!
The way we produce and purchase food has changed dramatically over the last eighty years, with convenience and cheap prices taking precedence over quality and local connections. We have recently opened the first food hub in Nashua, NH- ReGen’s Community Corner- located at 191 West Hollis St.- to help address some of these issues. Stop by to help show your support for local agriculture and artists!